Thursday, 29 January 2015

Imagination. Might be true...

What if I say there is button unwillingly misplaced by aliens some where deep on Earth.

What if that button has the potential to destroy humans life completely.

What if this button is capable of erasing every life on earth.

How it will end up our lives....

Will it blow off our heart by emitting some sort of frequency..?

Or will it blow little nut inside our head.?

What will happen if it emit ultrasonic wave which will eradicate lifes.

What will happen if it pump off our heart beat to blow inside the body.

Than the bizarre banality will capture the planet.. The proprietary survivors will be those infants who's heart formation is taking place.. They will be the faith of humanity...

But unfortunately there will be no one who will take care of him...prior to that will it be possible to come out from the dead bodies of human.???

What if the scientists find that button ...and are able to modify its impact to certain local region then the province will be God of the universe ...partisan harmony will be there.

But what if scientists  were stupid one then... ...haha....

Might be possible the prehistoric giant died off due to this... Meteoroid theory circumvent us to think on stupidity..

Monday, 19 January 2015

mai khush hu

aaj mai bahut khush hu...
dukh hone ka koi karan nhi hai..
Sab kuch hai mere pass..
jo mujhe chahiye tha...
wo sab hai mere pas..
akansha.. mahtvkansha..sourya.. wo sab hai...

I love My self..
I love God..
I have Faith on Him ...
God is with me..
He was always with me...
Love you God.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Ancient Indians..

Actually i don’t have problem when so called intellectual and educated people make fun of Achievements of Sanathan Hindus. Deep in my Conscious i know some day the works of our ancestors will be recognized and researched for better world.


The source of the carbon pigment used in India ink was India. Ink itself has been used in India since at least the 4th century BCE. Masi, an early ink in India was an admixture of several chemical components.

2. Calico
Calico had originated in the subcontinent by the 11th century and found mention in Indian literature, by the 12th-century writer Hemachandra. The Indian textile merchants traded in calico with the Africans by the 15th century and calico fabrics from Gujarat appeared in Egypt.

Made from seashell were used in the Indus Valley Civilization for ornamental purposes by 2000 BCE. Some buttons were carved into geometric shapes and had holes pierced into them so that they could be attached to clothing by using a thread.

Though Incense is majorly associated with Chinese, it was actually originated in India at least in its fundamental form if not function. Early incense clocks found in China all seem to have Devanāgarī carvings on them instead of Chinese seal characters.

Rulers made from Ivory were in use by the Indus Valley Civilization prior to 1500 BCE. Excavations at Lothal (2400 BCE) have yielded one such ruler calibrated to about 1/16 of an inch—less than 2 millimeters.

Sugarcane was originally from tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia. The process of producing crystallized sugar from sugarcane was discovered by the time of the Imperial Guptas, and the earliest reference of candied sugar comes from India.

Indians were the first to use the zero as a symbol and in arithmetic operations, although Babylonians used zero to signify the ‘absent’. In those earlier times a blank space was used to denote zero, later a dot was used to denote zero. In 500 AD circa Aryabhata again gave a new symbol for zero (0).

Cataract surgery was known to the Indian physician Sushruta (6th century BCE). In India, cataract surgery was performed with a special tool called the Jabamukhi Salaka, a curved needle used to loosen the lens and push the cataract out of the field of vision.

Kearns & Nash (2008) state that the first mention of leprosy is described in the Indian medical treatise Sushruta Samhita (6th century BCE). However, The Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine holds that the mention of leprosy, as well as ritualistic cures for it, were described in the Atharva-veda (1500–1200 BCE), written before the Sushruta Samhita.

Plastic surgery was being carried out in India by 2000 BCE. The system of punishment by deforming a miscreant’s body may have led to an increase in demand for this practice. The surgeon Sushruta contributed mainly to the field of plastic and cataract surgery.

Diamonds were first recognized and mined in central India. It is unclear when diamonds were first mined in India, although estimated to be at least 5,000 years ago. India remained the world’s only source of diamonds until the discovery of diamonds in Brazil in 18th century.

Iron works were developed in the Vedic period of India. Early iron objects found in India can be dated to 1400 BCE by employing the method of radiocarbon dating. Spikes, knives, daggers, arrow-heads, bowls, spoons, saucepans, axes, chisels, tongs, door fittings etc. ranging from 600 BCE to 200 BCE have been discovered from several archaeological sites of India.

Described in the 6th century CE by Varahamihira and in the 10th century by Halayudha, commenting on an obscure reference by Pingala to the “Meru-prastaara”, or the “Staircase of Mount Meru”, in relation to binomial coefficients.

Kridapatram is an early suits game, made of painted rags, invented in Ancient India. The term kridapatram literally means “painted rags for playing”. Paper playing cards first appeared in East Asia during the 9th century.

A structure at Lothal (2400 BCE) is considered the earliest Indian dock by some archaeologists, apparently located away from the main current to avoid deposition of silt.

The precursor of chess originated in India during the Gupta dynasty (c. 280-550 CE). Both the Persians and Arabs ascribe the origins of the game of Chess to the Indians.

The origin of Chintz is from the printed all cotton fabric of calico in India. The origin of the word chintz itself is from the Hindi language word चित्र् (chitr), which means a spot.

Jute has been cultivated in India since ancient times. Raw jute was exported to the western world, where it was used to make ropes and cordage.

This sequence was first described by Virahanka (c. 700 AD), Gopāla (c. 1135), and Hemachandra (c. 1150), as an outgrowth of the earlier writings on Sanskrit prosody by Pingala (c. 200 BC).

The World’s first university was established in Takshashila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

There are lot more -but this is enough for my ignorant Hindu loathing friends out there.

(Indian civilization also taught us that always be Genuine ad true to yourself. So I this blog is isn't written by me copied :P
but sharing knowledge is worth for sharing. )

Pushp ki abhilasha - Makhanlal Chaturvedi

चाह नहीं मैं सुरबाला के
गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ

चाह नहीं, प्रेमी-माला में
बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ

चाह नहीं, सम्राटों के शव
पर हे हरि, डाला जाऊँ

चाह नहीं, देवों के सिर पर
चढ़ूँ भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ

मुझे तोड़ लेना वनमाली
उस पथ पर देना तुम फेंक

मातृभूमि पर शीश चढ़ाने
जिस पर जावें वीर अनेक ।।

- माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी

I am loving my artistic nature

Now I am compel to cogent that I am having some grace of god...

Feeling happy ....

I am practicing it since past few look every good thing is happening to me...

I am happy.... I love my self ...thank you god..

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Papa kehte hai..

This is the story which I remember is that...when  I failed in  one of my test  during primary education... And I was very weak student though..
So one day papa called me and told me a story..
Papa bolte hai dekho.. Ye baat tab ki hai jab Hanuman ji ko Lanka jana tha .. Every body was well aware of this, that Hanuman ji has power to jump over into Lanka. But he has iota belief that he could do this and was reluctant to all of the saying..
Until Sugreev came and told him that yes Hanuman you are capable of doing this, you have the endurance You are faculty of Almighty powers...then Hanuman recalled his uncanny childhood...
Uske baad papa bolte hai dekho theek usi prakar tumhre ander bhi aseem shaktiya hai bas jarrorat hai to unhe pehchanane ki ... Un pr vishwas karne ki...
At last he told me that tumhre aander bhi hanuman ji hai .. Pehchano apne aap ko ki tum kon ho ... Aur tum kya kya kar sakte ho....
Aisi koi chease nhi jo tum kar nhi skte...

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

आपने अक्सर देखा होगा कि.....

आपने अक्सर देखा होगा कि.....

घरों और मंदिरों में पूजा के बाद पंडित जी हमारी कलाई पर लाल रंग का कलावा या मौली बांधते हैं.... और, हम मेंसे बहुत से लोग बिना इसकी जरुरत को पहचाते हुए इसे हाथों में बंधवा लेते हैं...।

सिर्फ इतना ही नहीं... बल्कि, .... आजकल पश्चिमी संस्कृति से प्रभावित अंग्रेजी स्कूलों मेंपढ़े लोग .... मौली बांधने को एक ढकोसला मानते हैं .... और, उनका मजाक उड़ाते हैं...! हद तो ये हैकि..... कुछ लोग मौली बंधवाने में अपनी आधुनिक शिक्षा का अपमान समझते हैं .... एवं, मौली बंधवाने से उन्हें ... अपनी सेक्यूलरता खतरे में नजर आने लगती है...!

परन्तु , मैं आपको एक बार फिर से ये याद दिला दूँ कि..... एक पूर्णतयावैज्ञानिक धर्म होने के नाते ......हमारे हिंदूसनातन धर्म की कोई भी परंपरा...... बिना वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से हो कर नहीं गुजरता... और. हाथ में मौली धागा बांधने के पीछे भी एक बड़ावैज्ञानिक कारण है...!

दरअसल.... मौली का धागा कोई...... ऐसा- वैसा धागा नहीं होता है..... बल्कि, यह कच्चे सूत से तैयार किया जाता है..... और, यह कई रंगों जैसे, लाल,काला, पीला अथवा केसरिया रंगों में होती है। मौली को लोग साधारणतया लोग हाथ की कलाई में बांधते हैं...! और, ऐसा माना जाता है कि ..... हाथ में मौली का बांधने से मनुष्य को ....... भगवान ब्रह्मा, विष्णु व महेश तथा तीनों देवियों- लक्ष्मी, पार्वती एवं सरस्वती की कृपा प्राप्त होती है...। कहा जाता है कि ....हाथ में मौली धागा बांधने से मनुष्य बुरी दृष्टि से बचा रहता है...... क्योंकि.... भगवान उसकी रक्षा करते हैं...! और, इसीलिए कहा जाता है ... क्योंकि.... हाथों में मौली धागा बांधने से ... मनुष्य के स्वास्थ्य में बरकत होती है... कारण कि, इस धागे को कलाई पर बांधने से शरीर में..... वात,पित्त तथा कफ केदोष में सामंजस्य बैठता है। तथा, ये सामंजस्य इसीलिए हो पाता हैं क्योंकि...... शरीर की संरचना का प्रमुख नियंत्रण हाथ की कलाई में होता है (आपने भी देखा होगा कि .. डॉक्टर रक्तचाप एवं ह्रदय गति मापने के लिए कलाई के नस का उपयोग प्राथमिकता से करते हैं)...... इसीलिए.... वैज्ञानिकता के तहत .... हाथ में बंधा हुआ मौली धागा .... एक एक्यूप्रेशर की तरहकाम करते हुए..... मनुष्य को रक्तचाप, हृदय रोग,मधुमेह और लकवा जैसे गंभीर रोगों से काफी हद तक बचाता है.. एवं, इसे बांधने वाला व्यक्ति स्वस्थ रहता है। और, हाथों के इस नस और उसके एक्यूप्रेशर प्रभाव को हमारे ऋषि-मुनियों ने हजारों -लाखों साल पहले जान लिया था! परन्तु हरेक व्यक्ति को एक-एक कर हर बात की वैज्ञानिकता समझाना संभव हो नहीं पाता.... इसीलिए हमारे ऋषि-मुनियों ने गूढ़ से गूढ़ बातों को भी हमारी परम्परों और रीति- रिवाजों का हिस्सा बना दिया ताकि, हम जन्म-जन्मांतर तक अपने पूर्वजों के ज्ञान-विज्ञान से लाभान्वित होते रहें...!

जानो,समझो और अपने आपको पहचानो हिन्दुओं हम हिन्दू उस गौरवशाली सनातन धर्म का हिस्सा हैं..... जिसके एक-एक रीति- रिवाजों में वैज्ञानिकता रची- बसी है...! जय महाकाल...!!!

*नोट : शास्त्रों के अनुसार पुरुषों एवं अविवाहित कन्याओं को दाएं हाथ में , एवं विवाहित स्त्रियों के लिए बाएं हाथ में मौलीबांधने का नियम है। कलावा बंधवाते समय जिस हाथ में कलावा बंधवा रहे हों ....उसकी मुठ्ठी बंधी होनी चाहिए.... और, दूसरा हाथ सिर पर होना चाहिए।

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


We all has a universe to which I call the void universe .This void universe has great power of gravity to attract any thing toward it. What we need is to fill this void canvas of universe like what we want ...
And trust me it has huge potential to full fill all your wish.
So what you need ..... Is to draw simply and u will find world of your own imagination as u thought. As you had drew.






The society was establish with the objective “To provide a platform to foster I mind of the students , the ability to apply what they learn , believe in lifelong learning process and dedicate themselves to work for the common good ”, under the surveillance of Mrs RANJEETA VERMA MAM (ET-DEPARTMENT ). The society was formed in March 2009.

The mission of PHOENIX is to serve the Electronics students of VGI by facilitating in understanding the enigma of Electronics Engineering by providing the practical opportunities to apply the theoretical concepts. This practical application is in form of various events, competitions, seminars, symposiums, etc. These vivid opportunities empower our students by advancing, disseminating and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life; and communicating the excitement of engineering.

"To make our Student capable to stand firmly in this competitive Technical era and to compete the at international level."

Office bearer for session 2012-2013

The revised list of the OFFICE BERARERS for the session 2012-2013 is as:-

ASHUTOSH SHUKLA                       (PRESIDENT)       
VIJAY KARAN                                   (VICE PRESIDENT)  
ROOPALI SINGH                               (SECRETARY)
SHUBHRANT MANI                         (JOINT SECRETARY) 
SAMARTH GUPTA                            (TREASURER)             

Separate committees are made for each of a separate management like advertising and media, technical, refreshment, discipline, etc. With a respective head.

The member of phoenix is committed to work collective, to promote education that can help in development of technical knowledge.

In this session 2012-2013, the society managed to conduct five events under the name of TECHNOTRONICS 2013 they were:-


This year Phoenix wants to extend its horizons by welcoming other colleges for participation .This will bring technical awareness interaction & exchange of ideas.
The event to be organized were
      Paper presentation:-Student is invited to present their research/review paper. Participation has to submit a synopsis of their respective works before head which will be screened by our technical team and the selective entries would then be allowed to appear for the presentation. Five prizes will be given in this event.
     Technical Exhibition: -The society managed to conduct an Electronics Exhibition in which participation has to present their real time model (working) .The participation were awarded as 1st runner up , 2nd runner up and a special prize HOD AWARD 
Ø   Technical Quiz –In this event participants have to undergo through screening round which will comprise of some objective question, those who will qualify will appear for the next round.     
Ø  Technical Enigma – In this event the participants will be provided the electronics circuits in puzzled format and they have to design the complete circuits in the minimum possible time.
Ø  Technical Tic Tac- In this event the participants will be provided with the prosperities of any component and then their team members have to identify the components in minimum possible time. Each team consists of maximum 3 players.

Ø  Sarvagami (Robo obstacle climbing) - In this event the participants have a path which have some obstacles like hurdles, stoppers, speed breaker etc.
Ø  Robo-bhim (Robo war) - In this events there is a war between the two robots on a given platform and the winner between them will qualify the next round. No time duration.
Ø  Robo racing –In this event there is race between the robots, and the robo which cover the given path in minimum time is the winner of the event.
Ø  Robogolf- In this event the participant’s robot has to pot the given golf balls in minimum time is the winner of the event.
Ø  Aquaracing-- In this event the participant’s robot has to swim from one point to another in the given time..

·    Technical model (collage) -  In this event the participants have a chart paper given by the Phoenix committee and they have to make their collage by using the maximum waste products as possible .The winners are selected by the judges.


Kaam aisa karo ki Naam ho jaye...

Kaam aisa karo ki Naam ho jaye...

Warna Naam aisa karo ki

Naam lete hi Kaam ho jaye...

The above stated dialogue says a lot ... it has deeper meaning to explore thea to understand single definition..

there are more Dialogue of ONCE UPON TIME IN MUMBAI
Agar main hero ban gaya ... toh meri pehchaan bura maan jayegi

Hero marne ke baad swarg jaata hai ... aur villian jeete ji swarg paata hai

Peene ki capacity, jeene ki strength, account ka balance aur naam ka khauff ... kabhi bhi kam nahi hona chahiye

Mohabbat woh mohra hai jiski wajah se bade badhon ko maat mili hai

Suna hai upar waala achche logon ko bahut jald apne paas bula leta hai

Chaubees ghante ka time hai ... khud nahi aayi toh is Ravan se bachane ke liye koi Ram nahi aane waala

In award ki keemat sirf ek saal ki hoti hai ... par duayein hamesha saath deti hai ... is liye kehna chahongi, bus dua mein yaad rakhna

Dafan toh sabne hona hai ek din ... jeete ji dab gaya toh jeena mitti hai

Apni dosti tire aur tube jaisi hai ... hawa teri nikalti hai aur beth main jaata hoon

Another one casting great importance since sophomore

Kaam ko iss tarah karo ki kaam ko Garv ho ki uss kaam ko aap ne kiya hai. 
God Bless you All
Duao me yaad Rakhna :p